Reignite the Conversation

Reignite the Conversation with Old Friends

The best way to bring back dormant customers is by showing them some love. Revive dead customers by offering personalized discounts based on their previous purchase history and preferences.


Remind Them Why They Love Your Store

Sometimes it only takes a little nudge to bring back previous purchasers you haven't seen in a while. Combine personalized discounts with eye-catching graphics to bring back churned customers.


Special Offers Get Special Attention

When it's been too long since their last purchase, bring your customers back to checkout by providing a discount to place their last order again.

Bundle + Discount

Bundle Up

Combine personalized bundles based on previous order history to re-engage churned customers. Showing you know them inspires loyalty and increases repeat purchases.


Create a Sense of Urgency

Offer time-limited discounts to create a sense of urgency and encourage customers to make a purchase before the offer expires. Count-down timers and eye-catching graphics help create the urgency needed to turn procrastinators into purchasers.


Promo to Purchase

Who doesn't love a good sale? To bring back those customers who've gone MIA, sprinkle some promotional magic throughout your site or on certain products. It's a surefire way to reignite their interest and get them shopping again!